Disclosures & Disclaimers

Below you will find our disclosures and disclaimers.

Effective Date: March 12, 2024

The Website

Betty Abroad (‘us’, ‘we’, or ‘our’) is associated with the www.bettyabroad.com website.

Disclosure of Sponsored Links, Affiliate Tracking & Commissions

Our website may contain advertisements, sponsored and affiliate links on some pages. These are typically served through our advertising or affiliate partners, for example Booking.com and Amazon Affiliates, or are self-served through our own means. We only use trusted advertising partners who, to the best of our knowledge, each have high standards of user privacy and security. However, we do not always control the actual advertisements displayed by our advertising or affiliate partners. If you click on links to their websites, our advertising and affiliate partners may collect data and use cookies. This is entirely out of our responsibility.

Clickable sponsored or affiliate links may be displayed as a website URL, an image, a form or as a titled text link.

Clicking on any advertisement, sponsored or affiliate link may track your actions by using a cookie saved to your device. Your actions are usually recorded as a referral from our website by this cookie. In this way we may earn a very small commission from the advertiser or advertising partner, at no cost to you, whether you make a purchase on their website or not.

Specifically, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Likewise, through affiliate partnerships with for example Booking.com, we earn from purchases through affiliate links.

We use advertising and affiliate partners in these ways to help generate an income from the website, which allows us to continue our work and provide you with the best overall experience and valued information.

All views and opinions expressed on this website are entirely our own. We have no control over and assume no responsibility or guarantee for the services and products offered through affiliate or other links / descriptions. The services and products offered should therefore always be verified with the provider.

If you have any concerns about these things, we suggest you do not click on any advertisements or links (sponsored, affiliate or others) found throughout the website.

No Responsibiity Disclaimer

Betty Abroad cannot be held liable for

  • Any false, inaccurate or incomplete information as well as non-updated information on our website
  • Any user action or act based on information on our website
  • Damages arising from or consequences of using information on our website
  • Damages arising from technical issues or our website being temporarily unavailable
  • Damages arising from clicking on or relying on third-party links
  • General damages that may arise from using the website.

The views and opinions expressed on this website are entirely our own. Therefore, services and products offered through the links to our affiliate or other partners should always be verified with the provider and third-party sites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility or guarantee for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites, products or services, and Betty Abroad can therefore not at any time be held liable for these things or consequences of these.

Use At Your Own Risk Disclaimer

By using information or content available on our website, you will be doing so at your own risk. You will have to make your own validation, judgement and use general common sense.

The user assumes the risk of any resulting injuries or damages. Betty Abroad cannot at any time be held liable for such injuries or damages.

Changes to this Disclaimer

You are advised to review our Disclaimer periodically for changes. Changes are effective when posted on this page with a new ‘effective date’ at the top.